Monthly Meeting of the Directors
The next monthly meeting of the directors will be Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 PM, at Kings Restuarant (most likely in the back room or solarium area).
All residents are invited to attend!
The Glencannon Homes Association Board of Directors has voted to increase the monthly dues by $2.00 per month to $45.00 per month starting January 1, 2025.
There will be multiple notifications between now and January in the Glencannon newsletter, so please take the time to plan and adjust, particularly those that use online payments.
This increase was necessary because ALL waste pick-up companies have been drastically increasing their prices. You can forward any questions to glencannon15317@yahoo.com.
As always, we will continue to monitor expenditures and keep our monthly dues as low as possible. We have not had a need for an increase in over 15 years. Thank you for your understanding.
Garbage collection day is Monday
We have changed garbage pick-up companies (due to a last minute (significant) price increase request from County Hauling) effective March 4, 2024. Please return here, or the upcoming newsletter for updated information.
Some residents are placing garbage out well before Sunday night, please respect the rules and keep our community looking its best at ALL times, thanks for your help.
New policy for by-laws and ACC enforcement
The Glencannon Board of Directors has implemented a policy to enforce the by-laws and architectural control issues. Please click to read it: New Policy
Unfortunately, we are seeing too many residents that have allowed their properties to degrade into poor condition and this policy is necessary to keep our community looking its best.
If you have any questions, or you would like to report a violation, please send an email to glencannon15317@yahoo.com, or come to a monthly meeting.
Electronics Recycling Help
Learn more about Washington County electronics recycling: Click to go there
Administrative Fee Policy
An administrative fee of $7.00 per month will be charged on ALL past due accounts.
In addition, households that exceed $250 will have an additional 6% per annum finance charge on the balance.
GHA can also restrict pool use, revoke voting rights, assess fees, place a lien against the property and foreclose on the homeowner.
Call today for your balance: (724) 745-4911
ACC Policy
We recently published a brief description of the ACC Policy for clarification to residents. You can review the letter by clicking here and you can review the ACC Policy by clicking here.
Attorney fee policy
Residents who fail to pay the monthly $43 assessment for five months or more can expect an official warning letter from Glencannon Homes Association. Failure to respond will result in a letter from the Glencannon Attorney and a $100 letter drafting fee will be added to the amount owed.
Homeowners that force the Attorney file a lien on their property (for lack of payment) will also have those fees added to their account.
Lamp Posts
Residents of Hunting Creek Road (and all who have them), please turn your lamp post on at night.
Parents and guardians, please know where your children are at all times.
Electronics Recycling Law
Desktop computers, laptop computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals, televisions, and any components of such devices may no longer be disposed in Pennsylvania with municipal waste.
Most Goodwill stores will accept working computers and electronics for recycling with no charge however, Goodwill stores will no longer accept televisions for recycling.
If you would like to have your photos of Glencannon published on this website, please e-mail them to: